Putting Plan, Build Your Putting Foundation – Day Two

Build YOUR Foundation

Putting Is Simple!

I hope you were able to complete the fundamental reading in your last homework assignment. This gives yourself some time to absorb the information and do the learning at home practice before executing in practice.

The biggest mistake is trying to make a perfect putting stroke. The only things you can control is the set up and fundamentals. Do NOT worry about being perfect, putting is simple – keep it that way!

Being relaxed, comfortable and executing the fundamentals are your only focus!

For best results, remember – 
1. Keep it SIMPLE!
2. Relax
3. Consistently pay attention to minor details

Putting Fundamentals

Focus on being precise with your putting fundamentals

Fundamentals for Putting, Reminder

Set up – most important aspect of putting is being comfortable. We will discuss the “fundamental” set up but if you can “be yourself” with any aspect of the game, it would definitely be putting! As you see in the pictures below, you want to stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your arms hanging directly below shoulders. Your head/eye position should be above the golf ball when you set up to the putt and look down over it.

Grip – The fundamental grip is really important because it helps the putter head stay square (pointed at the hole) when you hit the golf ball. You will see the picture below, and you want the putter to lie more in the ball of your hands, verse the fingers like we will describe in the full swing and short game portion. 

Ball Position – because the putter swings on an “arc” (don’t think too much about that), the bottom of the putting stroke (when you hit the ball) is in the middle of your stance. Therefore, to hit it consistently solid and straight on putts, you want it in the middle of your stance. 

This Putting Practice Can Be Done At Home

Drill 1 – Set up awareness
Your sole purpose during this drill is to only pay attention to your grip, set up, eye alignment.

1. Do this for 2o minutes to start your putting practice
2. Approximately 5 feet from the hole
3. Move clockwise every 5 minutes so you hit putts from each quadrant of the hole
4. Walk into each putt, do NOT just rake ball after ball
5. Use alignment sticks for feet and ball position
6. Add Eyeline if you want to purchase here

5 Step Set Up Checklist

  1. Alignment sticks down on the ground for feet alignment, outside the toe of the club – parallel to your feet alignment.
  2. Eye line over the ball or slightly inside the ball
  3. Grip in the proper position with light grip pressure
  4. Stance is comfortable – feet, hips, shoulders, eyes all down the target line
  5. Ball position center of the stance or slightly ahead of middle


Putting Practice (At the golf course)

Drill 1 – Set Up
It is important to set up properly EVERY TIME you are hitting a putt or shot in golf. After you set up, you need to focus on your breathing and being aware of executing without thinking about your technique. I promise you, if you can be aware of this now, it will eliminate the frustration and bad golf down the road. Remember, set up properly, breath, and relax while holding the putter lightly in your hands! ( We will practice this later!)

Set up – Use same setup described above with alignment sticks

Pick a straight putt – when it roles on the ground it will roll straight, not curve to left or right

Place 10 balls, 3 feet away – on the straight putt line you chose

Make 10 putts in a row –  from 3 ft.

Make 5 putts in a row – from 6 ft.

The reason we focus on straight, short putts is because:
1. You are able to focus and improve your alignment from short distances
2. Build confidence by making putts you should make

Putting Fundamentals

Bonus! (if you have more time to practice)

I know you probably got bored with the short putts so I am going to give you a couple tips for practicing longer putts.

1.Grab 1 ball

2.Play 9 holes from between 20-30 feet away from the hole. 

3.You will chose a different hole for each putt to get different types of breaks and speeds

4.Before hitting each putt, look at your surroundings to determine which way the putt will break

5.Set up to the ball properly

6.Relax and hit the putt without thinking about technique

7.After the putt, gather feedback if you hit it too far or too short

8.Ask yourself, what would I do differently? (make a shorter swing or a slower swing)

9.Take a practice stroke of what you should have done before going to putt the ball in the hole

10.Hole out on each hole (no gimmies or picking up)

11.Chose a different hole to putt to and repeat the process


The most helpful tip for me and the players I coach is thinking about keeping our body still while putting. Think about it, it is a really small swing, but you would be surprised how many people move their legs and other body parts around when putting! Keep your body still while you feel your arms swing, nothing but your arms are to be moving!

On short putts, keep your eyes looking at where the ball was until you hear the ball hit the bottom of the hole. This makes sure you don’t move too early, even pro’s do this when they putt!

Since I am letting you hit longer putts, here is some helpful information on how to read the greens

Reading putts, determining speed of putts – we will not get too much into this. Starting out, be aware of your surroundings and you will be able to read greens better than most seasoned golfers! If you are playing next to the ocean, figure out where the ocean is. If you are playing next to a huge mountain, find where the mountain is. These natural features create an optical illusion when reading putts. 

If you are like me and live in the flattest part of the world, TEXAS, with no beautiful scenary, then you need to pay attention to where the water drains on the ground. When looking at the green, imagine where the water would run if you poured a bucket of water on it. This is the way your putt is going to break when rolling

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