Step 1 To Improving Your Putting
The PGA Tour Baseline test gives us an opportunity to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses from a variety of distances. If you are completing this test with a golf coach, the coach can observe you doing the test and take notes regarding your technique and the cause/effect.
What this test means
The stats recorded on the baseline test show the make verse attempts by PGA Tour players. These putts are during tournament rounds, while hitting a different putt each time. The pressure and situation is much different then how we use the test on the practice green, hitting the same putt each time. My goal with a single digit handicap is to have them equal the PGA Tour numbers. If you are a scratch, college player or professional, your numbers should be slightly better given the different situations.
It is important not to make any technique changes right before or during the test! We want a true baseline so we can track your progress!
Instructions for using the test
Step 1 – before going to the course
Download and print the baseline test here
Step 2 – next putting practice at the golf course
1.Warm up your putting like you normal would when starting your putting practice
2. Start from the 4 foot distance (measure it out by stepping it off)
3. Place a tee to mark your spot
4. Make sure to go through your routine, read the putt, use the line on the ball if thats what you normally do. This will take a little longer rather than just raking over ball after ball, but your results will be more accurate verse rushing through the putts without your normal routine on the golf course.
5. You will hit all putts from the same spot at each location. For the first putt, hit 10 putts in a row before going to the 7 foot location.
6. Try to pick a slightly different breaking putt for each distance.
7. Complete the test in full (all distances)
Step 3 – evaluate, gather feedback from your test results
Every player that I have tested shows a strength and weakness in certain distances. If you scored a higher percentage compared to PGA Tour average on short putts than you did on long putts, I would say your long putts is your area of weakness, your short putts are your strength.
Step 4 – make a plan based on your results (We will do this more in depth on day 7)
I will use the baseline test shown below (click image to see larger image) for my example of how to make a plan for improvement based on your results. I am going to give you homework before Day 2 of the plan that will help you understand your specific putting tendencies and develop a specific game plan for improvement.
Click here for Day 1 practice homework (VERY IMPORTANT)
Here is the example baseline test with one of my students. I apologize for the messiness! You will see in the homework why I write everything down. If you want to make it cleaner, you can type it up or re write it after you have done the original writing.