Lesson 1 Setting Goals

Objective create a plan through goal setting and assessments

Goal setting is key to improvement and reaching your potential.. Establish a road map for where you ultimately want to go.


  1. Download and write in your answers to the worksheets listed below. Remember, writing it down helps you learn faster!
  2. Detailed instructions will be on each worksheet
  3. Keep the worksheets in a folder on file (buying a binder would be great for this program)
  4. 7 Days to complete all assignments listed below. Upload worksheets to your private training space on CoachNow for your coach to review and provide feedback.

What is Mental Toughness?

  • Steady confidence
    • Staying composed when dealing with adversity
    • Trusting your abilities
  • Complete level of focus on specific movements
  • Self – Discipline


Come back to this list at the end of the week and make sure you have completed all of the tasks!

  1. Mental Game GPA Worksheet:  Download ⇓
  2. Completed Breaking Down Goals:  Download ⇓
  3. Completed and Posted Outcome Goals:    Download ⇓

Exercise 1 Mental Game GPA

Objective Better understand your game. Identify strengths/weaknesses  Download

Exercise 2 Breaking Down Goals

Objective Understand 3 crucial goals for development Download

Exercise 3 Outcome Goals

Objective Result, long term achievement goals you want to achieve. After completion, place it in an area where you will view every day for motivation!  Download

Goal Setting Example


  1. Establish the process through goal setting and assessments.
  2. Keep your goals visible as reminders
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