Recap of Journaling

Here is my review from journaling from this past week. Below is what I would like you to take away from the journaling portion.

Agenda for this past week on journaling:
1. Continue 3 process goals each day
2. Add in 90 day journal each night – benefit is to change mindset and establish habit of journaling. Practice writing statements in a positive way!
3. “What I learned today” Worksheet for you to do daily in addition to the first 2 items above.
4. Post Tournament Review Sheet – you can use when you have a tournament or complete a round at your club

Benefits of Journaling:
1. Helps clarify thoughts and feelings
2. Reduces stress towards situations you’re uncomfortable with
3. You are able to identify your goals more clearly. When you write it out, it signals to your brain – this is important
4. Boost memory & comprehension
5. Strengthens self discipline – like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets
6. Helps you overcome tough experiences. Venting (route to healing)
7. When journaling about positive experiences, relives it = confidence

Remember the more feedback you write down, the more you will learn and grow!

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